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Fleas love the warm environment of houses and can inhabit any fabric, such as carpet and clothes. They feed on the blood of mammals and birds and their cocoons can remain dormant for 2 years or more; its common for a flea population to remain dormant in an empty house, and then be awakened by people moving in, as footstep vibrations wake them up.
The same tactics as bed bugs apply, with a water-based insecticide applied to the affected area. After treatment, we recommend the room be vacated for at least 2 hours, and all soft furnishings washed at a minimum temperature of 60°C.
Fleas are extremely robust creatures, and they cannot be easily killed, though they can be drowned, incinerated, or trapped on sticky paper. Normally the cat or dog flea is 2-3.25mm long. The adult is brownish in colour, with a streamlined body covered with backward-facing bristles. They have well developed hind legs for jumping, and are capable of jumping distances many times that of their own higher.
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